The photo at the left was taken in 1989. At that time, Geraldine's "Irish Aires" was heard on WTTM. This photo appeared on Tom Glover's Hamilton Scrapbook website [see link below] with the following description:

"Geraldine is an incredible talent. Each Saturday morning, Geraldine plays the most wonderful music from the Emerald Isle. She is obviously a spiritual lady. There are many really lovely songs to be heard during her program. Check it out."

Photo by Mark Czajkowski

Tom Glover's Hamilton Scrapbook

Cause of Canonization for Fr. Vincent Capodanno

Ryan's Quest

Crossroads - Taking Steps to Save Lives

Divine Mercy Images

Museums of Mayo

Philadelphia Ceili Group

St. Patrick's Day Parade @ Hamilton

Ceili Rain

Catholic Vote

Priests for Life